
Politics: Hillary Clinton is Hoping Al Gore is Fat, Apparently

Newsweek has a silly article by Eleanor Clift this week. The article briefly discusses the possibility that Al Gore will run for President. The article is generally much ado about nothing, but what is really silly about it is the theory it proposes that Gore's "slimming down will be a signal he intends to run." The simple truth is that Gore is going to see if Hillary Clinton shows serious signs of weakness over the next few months. If it looks like he can "poach" the nomination, he'll try it, regardless of whether he looks like Louie Anderson or Brad Pitt. If Hillary looks strong, he won't run. If Clift writes more articles like this one, I will consider my opening statement to be redundant.

1 comment:

Kid Sister said...

A colleague of mine at the Carter Center alleges that Gore is being nudged gently to run by their administrative heavies. Evidently, Gore is exactly the (occasionally puffy) face that the Democratic Party should be recruiting.

As far as I can tell, there's one glaring problem with this. (There are lots of problems, but here's the most obvious.) Gore lost in 2000 because he categorically and repeatedly refused campaign help from then-lame duck Bill Clinton, and he suffered for it. Gore failed to establish his brand identity and squandered stockpiles of goodwill available to him. Come on, popular president? You say no? Are you on political crack?

Now, of course, Gore doesn't have that option. With the Missus clearly running, all of Bill's time will be spent reminding us of the golden age that-- dare we dream?-- could be again. If it's handled right, the spin surrounding the Once and Future Presidents Clinton could be astounding.

But we're talking about democrats. I have little hope for being handled correctly.

Please. Save me from my party.