
Everything Can Be Redeemed...Even Emo Music

I generally am not a big fan of "emo" music.  I find it needlessly emotional, whiny, effeminate, and distasteful.  However, one exception that I have found is Owl City, the name of Adam Young's solo musical effort.  I first heard his hit Fireflies while eating barbecue in Tampa and actually enjoyed it.  It wasn't any of the things that I dislike about emo culture.  After listing to some of his other catchy and positive songs I realized that Mr. Young is a talented artist with messages worth hearing.   Now Mr. Young is now turning his talents to the praise and worship of God, recording a lovely rendition of In Christ Alone.   Mr. Young is not a member of the "Christian music" scene, which I am thankful for because it means he has the opportunity to serve as a witness to thousands of young people that enjoy his music...and to bless a mid-30s single lawyer with his music. 

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