
Time For New Space Vehicle

Given the fact that 2 Space Shuttles have blown up already, and that the billion dollars spent to "ensure the shuttle is safe" have not been able to even fix what appears to be the exact same problem that fatally wounded Columbia, it is time for the US to scrap the shuttle program and develop a new space vehicle. The shuttle's basic design is based on 1970's technology and given all the development in technology over the past 30 years, one would hope that a more effective, useful and safe orbiter could be developed. The development of a new orbiter would also be a boon to the aerospace industry, likely have military benefits and create thousands of jobs. Additionally, the development and creation of a new spacecraft with improved capabilities (perhaps by the creation of a vehicle that can perform the shuttle's current task of Earth orbit while also being adaptable for further travel) would create new interest in the space program and reinvigorate it, while also proving an inspiration for youngsters. Let's all pray that Discovery returns safely to Earth and then make this the last shuttle flight, focusing our efforts and monies on a new spacecraft for the 21st century.

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