
Deception in Pat Tillman Death

As reported in the Washington post HERE, it is sad to see that the U.S. Army and our government's leaders apparently lied to the nation and the Tillman family regarding the fact that he died via friendly fire. In case you are not familiar with the story, Tillman was a millionaire NFL player who left his riches to serve as a soldier in the U.S. army in Afghanistan and Iraq. Tillman was killed in April 2004, in what the Pentagon and U.S. government said was a battle with insurgents. Tillman was given a hero's funeral, but the truth surrounding his death was not widely known until a Washington Post December 2004 ARTICLE which detailed the facts surrounding his death via friendly fire (US troops). His parents have a right to be angry with the Army. If the Army and our political leaders did lie about Tillman's death in the immediate aftermath (when national attention, emotional interest, and press coverage were greatest) then we should all be disappointed as Americans in their conduct.

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