
Culture: New Age Narcissism and Yoga

Anything smacking of new age narcissism deserves to be savaged. This endless discovery of oneself which logically leads a person to be prideful about being both spiritual and about their spiritual development while not worrying about the needs of others creates selfish people. Ron Rosenbaum over at Slate.com gets this, and has written a very good article about how plenty of folks who do yoga also are into new age narcissism. My favorite quote, regarding a cringe-worthy recounting by Rosenbaum about an article that appeared in a recent yoga magazine, is:

"The final step in the great journey of self-understanding the Yoga Journal editors have force-marched her on is realizing it's all about her "relationship with herself." Whitney Houston yoga: I found the greatest love of all—Me! It's the return of New Age Me-generation narcissism. And there's nothing worse than narcissism posing as humility."

Check out the article HERE


Movie Review: Amazing Grace (3.5/4 Stars; Good to Excellent)

Amazing Grace tells the story of William Wilberforce's efforts in Parliament to abolish the slave trade in England around the turn of the 19th century. The son of a wealthy merchant, Wilberforce was elected to Parliament in his 20's. As the movie details, after becoming a Christian he became unsure whether to continue in his political career or become a Christian minister. Eventually, he comes to realize that he does not have to choose between glorifying God and changing the world--he can do both in his political career by ending the slave trade. Wilberforce would attempt to outlaw the slave trade in England for the next two decades, with many difficulties along the way.

I certainly don't want to give away the general plot of Amazing Grace. However, it is worth noting that it is one of the few movies in recent years to portray a Christian in a noble light, and not as a crank, bigot, fool, or wierdo. It was a nice change. The movie is well acted, with Ioan Gruffold playing Wilberforce. Other excellent performances include Albert Finney as John Newton, the writer of Amazing Grace; Ciaran Hinds as the villanous Lord Tarleton; Romola Garai as Barbara; and the scene stealing Michael Gambon as Lord Charles Fox. The movie moves along at a solid pace, for which the director Michael Apted is to be credited. I was inspired to make a difference in the world after watching Amazing Grace, and it is my hope that after seeing this excellent movie you will be also.

Video: NBA.com Top 10 Career Dunks

With a nod to espn.com columnist Bill Simmons, here is a link to some of the best dunks in NBA history by players such as Michael Jordan, Dr. J, Kobe Bryant, and a few others. A nice time waster to see some truly amazing plays.

Politics: Hillary Clinton is Hoping Al Gore is Fat, Apparently

Newsweek has a silly article by Eleanor Clift this week. The article briefly discusses the possibility that Al Gore will run for President. The article is generally much ado about nothing, but what is really silly about it is the theory it proposes that Gore's "slimming down will be a signal he intends to run." The simple truth is that Gore is going to see if Hillary Clinton shows serious signs of weakness over the next few months. If it looks like he can "poach" the nomination, he'll try it, regardless of whether he looks like Louie Anderson or Brad Pitt. If Hillary looks strong, he won't run. If Clift writes more articles like this one, I will consider my opening statement to be redundant.


Funtime: Ramen Goldberg Device

The Japanese have some of the most interesting shows around. If you've got 6 1/2 minutes to burn, here is footage of the most difficult way to cook Ramen noodles imaginable.

Politics: Bad Mood Rising

I am a firm believer that U.S. Presidential elections are often won or lost based on whether people in the country feel good about the general direction of things in the nation. That being the case, I think that the GOP should be worried about its chances in 2008. The 2006 Congressional flip to the Democrats was caused by worries over the course of the Iraq war, and various scandals surrounding the Republicans such as the Foley page incident. Well, the hits keep on coming. In the past week the Walter Reed Army medical hospital scandal broke due to a Washington Post expose showing that some wounded soldiers have lived in unsanitary rooms and detailing the bureaucratic difficulties many have faced to obtain needed treatment. The scandal resulted in the firings of the Secretary of the Army and the hospital's commander. No American wants to feel like their country does not appreciate the sacrifices of wounded soldiers, and this scandal on President Bush's watch will cause many people to conclude that all the rhetoric from politicians (particularly the President) regarding how much the soldier's sacrifices are meaningless words. Granted, President Bush likely had no idea the conditions were so poor in some parts of the hospital, and perhaps was unaware of the bureaucratic difficulties many wounded soldiers face to obtain needed care. However, when things happen in a country the President often gets the credit or blame, whether it is deserved or not, and I believe that in the minds of many people the Commander in Chief of the military and his party which has primarily led the war effort for the last few years will bear the blame for it. This will have a more negative effect on the GOP's chances in 2008 than the Scooter Libby conviction. Most Americans assume all politicians are shady and dishonest and thus will not care too much about this incident. The good news if you are hoping for a GOP President in 2008? The election is 20 months away, and neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama are unbeatable candidates.


Sports: Pinella Won't Put Up With Cubs Garbage

For the last few years, I have hoped that the Cubs would hire a manager who would insist on professionalism, effort, and a desire to win out of the club. With the hiring of Lou Piniella, it appears as though the Cubs finally have the man they need. Granted it is only Spring Training, but with the Cubs getting blown out of their first few games, Piniella called a team meeting where he demanded the players play better baseball, execute on the field, and generally look like a professional squad. Piniella is demanding accountability from everyone on the squad as well as the likely minor leaguers who are getting playing time early this spring, and the Cubs will be better for it. By the way, the Cubs won 6-5 today over the Mariners.


Christianity: A Brief Meditation on Deciding What to do With One's Life

The Book of Genesis shows us that our "natural habitat" is to be in relationship with God, to be with others we love, and to tend the garden of His creation (Gen 2:15). We are often told by Christian teachers that we are made to be in community with God, which is true, but not often enough taught that we are designed to work in the world, to tend to it so that it reflects its creator's designs and purposes. For a garden is not self sufficient--plants must be pruned, weeds pulled, seeds planted and the like (nod to R. Zacharias for that insight regarding a garden). We have been created to work, and to make the world better--to maintain or (more accurately in light of the fall) restore God's design for the world. Since the fall, our work is difficult and prone to frustration in a fallen world. (Gen 3:17). Yet, we are designed to tend to God's garden, in his presence (Gen 3:8), and in community (Gen 2:18).

I believe that there comes a time in each person's life when they have to decide how they will change to world, and present Christ to the world around them in word and deed. We have been made to do so, because we are created in the image of God. As Dorothy Sayers points out, we often think of that as being spiritual or rational beings. However, God is presented to us in Genesis as the creator. We are creative beings, and designed to manifest what is within us into the world around us, for good or ill. If God and goodness (Christlikeness) are the "stuff" that is in us, that is what will be manifest. That is also why it is important to know ourselves. What talents and passions are in us, and what are the things we can do where that stuff can be manifested? Certain stuff is more fully and truly manifested in certain environments and endeavors. A great songwriter who spends all her time as an accountant will not manifest her gift in the world around her, and thus that gift will not transform the world in power.

A final point is that the decision of what to do in life must be made using practical wisdom. We have to be mindful of the work, difficulties, sacrifices, and likely results of the decisions we make. To restore a garden takes hard work, so we must think through the likely costs, and need to have the passion to pay those costs. What a privilege it is to be able to count that cost. So many people have to work simply to eat, and do whatever is set before them. God has given us a great gift, and to whom much is given, much is required. Let us set about figuring what it is we are to do with seriousness, effort and joy. And let us pray for the strength to follow through on our calling and for God's blessings to make it fruitful.

Sports: Al Thornton--College Basketball's Unknown Superstar

After watching Florida State's 98-90 overtime victory over the University of Miami on Saturday, I have decided that Al Thornton is the best college basketball player that most people have not heard about. Florida State is fighting for an invitation to the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament, and is widely considered to be on the borderline for being considered worthy by the tournament committee. With FSU down 6 points with little more than a minute to play, Thornton scored 7 points over the last two mintues, and with the aid of Toney Douglas' 3 point basket, sent the gaem into overtime. Thornton and the Seminoles finished off the Hurricanes in overtime and Thornton finished with 45 points, 8 rebounds, 4 blocked shots, and 2 steals. It was an amazing, classy performance, as Thornton could have set the school record for points in game with a dunk shot in the last 10 seconds, but with the game decided, he simply dribbled the ball away from the basket and let time run out. After the game, Thornton said that he could have scored the basket, but that the Miami players had given to great an effort to be disrespected. Thornton finished as the ACC's leading scorer this year. One hopes that the people that vote for postseason awards will give Al his due as one of the most talented and classy basketball players in America.


The Associated Press Runs a Headline Completely at Odds With Article on Samaritan's Purse

Read this article on the work of Samartian's Purse in Africa and tell me if the headline accurately captures the content of the article. I give credit to the author for outlining the good work that the organization has done.